Current status
As of 9/14/2024:
ALL ODP tryouts for 9/15 are on as scheduled.
Cancellation Policy and Procedure
Program wide cancellations will be posted on this page at least 2.5 hours prior to start times. Any cancellations made after that time will be announced by an age group pool coach directly. When traveling, please keep in mind that other areas of the state may not experience the same weather as the event location.
Please contact your age group parent liaison with any further questions.
Program Credits
In the event that training sessions/events are missed for a particular age group in the current ODP seasonal year due to cancellation by MSYSA, participants will be eligible for a prorated credit based on the following schedule for each age group:
- 12U Boys and Girls 5+ sessions/events
- 13U – 15U Boys and Girls, 16U – 17U Boys 6+ sessions/events
- 17U Girls 4+ sessions/events
All credit requests must be made in writing and sent to the ODP Technical Director. Credit may be used toward future ODP fees for those that make future player pools, or other MSYSA programs (such as Summer Soccer Academy, etc.) should a player not return.
Please contact Gandalf French the ODP Technical Director with any questions!