Mandatory Compliance
Mandatory Compliance consists of the three items all coaches, managers, and team officials need to be cleared to work with the children as part of our risk management efforts.
The Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017, also known as the “SafeSport Act,” requires all amateur sports organizations to have a risk management program to promote the welfare of participants and adopt policies prohibiting sexual abuse.
Sexual abuse is prohibited in all affiliate organizations and we require annual SafeSport training to ensure all adults that are interacting with children in our affiliate organizations are educated responsibly on inappropriate behavior.
Adults that register as Team or Club Officials must complete the full Core SafeSport training course upon their first registration. Subsequent annual registrations will require the SafeSport refresher course be completed.
SafeSport training is provided free of charge and is linked directly to GotSport. There is no need to upload additional documentation if instructions are followed.
For additional details please check out the Maryland Safe Soccer section of our website.
Concussion Awareness Training
Concussions are a very serious injury and can have a lasting impact on a persons health. However, they often go under reported because signs and symptoms may not always be obvious (or immediate) and players may not feel as if the injury is bad enough to leave play. US Soccer, US Youth Soccer, and MSYSA find concussion education and awareness to be of the upmost importance.
As part of Mandatory Compliance, all Team Officials must complete HEADS UP to Brain Injury Awareness training through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This training and education is provided at no cost to all MSYSA registered Team Officials. Instructions for how to complete this training are provided through the registration process.
US Soccer’s Recognize to Recover program page and ImPACT are two excellent resources for concussion education and testing information. MSYSA follows the USYS Concussion Protocol. This protocol requires a player must be evaluated by a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopatyy (DO) in order to return to play.
Background Screening
MSYSA is committed to an expanded background check and screening process. Our Policy requires every adult associated with all affiliated organizations who may have the opportunity to have direct and unmonitored access to children to complete a background screening that includes:
- Maryland Administrative Office of Courts for both the circuit and district courts
- Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services
- State and National Sexual Offender Record Information (SORI)
MSYSA also screens against all necessary external databases, disqualification lists, and disciplinary records.
The following individuals are required to complete a background screening:
- Coaches (all types)
- Board members (Officers, Directors, Administrators, Committee Chairs, Appointees, etc.)
- Referees
- Trainers (Permanent or Temporary)
- Volunteers
- Organization Employees
- Concession Workers
- Tournament Organizers, Employees, Volunteers
- Any other person age 18 or older who may have the opportunity to have direct and unmonitored access to children.
Background screenings will be conducted as part of the annual registration process within the MSYSA registration solution, and all screenings will have a common expiration date, lessening the need for multiple registration dates.
MSYSA utilizes Gold Standard Best Practice Recommended Guidelines from the National Council of Youth Sports in making eligibility determinations. Click here to see the guidelines.
The registration and background screening process will be managed in GotSport. For more information please visit the Adult Registration Page.
- Background screening is the final stage in Mandatory Compliance. They are initiated by MSYSA ONLY after an individual has completed SafeSport and Concussion training.
- GotSport integrates with JDP to make it easy for individuals to register for their background checks.
- Checks require a VALID social security number. It must be your authentic SSN provided by the Social Security Administration. Those without a valid social security number must contact our Director of Affiliate Logistics for further instructions.
Background screenings are performed at a cost of $7.25/person (inc. processing fee)
Safe Soccer
MSYSA places the safety of our children as a top priority. We greatly appreciate the roles that administrators, coaches, referees, and volunteers play in offering youth athletes from all backgrounds with the opportunity to play soccer. An integral part of these roles is taking steps to ensure the safety of the participants. Collectively, we are responsible for providing a playing environment that is healthy, non-threatening, and free from emotional, physical, or sexual abuse.
Safe Soccer
Welcome to MSYSA Safe Soccer

In compliance with The Safe Sport Act, and in accordance with U.S. Soccer’s Safe Soccer Framework guidelines, MSYSA has implemented our Safe Soccer program. MSYSA has implemented standards that include policies, procedures, comprehensive background screenings, education and training, reporting, and monitoring and enforcement. The only way to ensure compliance is for all members to follow the same requirements for the safety and well-being of all participants.
This is the hub for all things related to the health and wellness of our players. Please use this information and the resources contained in these pages to do your part for the sake of our kids.
- Required Policies (Inc. Athlete & Participant Safety Policy)
Click here to report a concern with MSYSA
Click here to report a concern with U.S. Soccer
The SafeSport Act
On February 14th, 2018 the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act was signed into law. This law is aimed at protecting amateur athletes* from sexual abuse.
What exactly does the Law state?
The Law has a three-pronged approach:
- Any adult interacting with amateur athletes* in the program has a duty to report abuse and or suspected abuse within 24-hours. EVERY adult is a mandatory reporter.
- The statute of limitations is extended for up to 10 years after a victim realizes he or she was abused.
- Limits an athlete under the age of 18 from being alone with an adult who is not their parent.
*Amateur athletes are defined as anyone under the age of 18 participating in sport where they are not paid.
Legislation is available for download HERE.
What else is important to know about this Law?
How might my club be impacted?
There are additional and more specific requirements for several categories of youth sports providers listed as ‘Applicable Entity’ within the Bill. Those listed under this category include:
- National Governing Body (NGB) – Such as the United States Soccer Federation
- Amateur Sports Organization (sanctioned by NGB) – Such as MSYSA and Member Affiliates (town programs, clubs and leagues)
- Amateur Sports Organizations (NOT sanctioned by NGB) – Such as YMCA, Church Leagues, Municipal Leagues, Independent Recreation Leagues, Camps, all others
US Center for SafeSport: https://uscenterforsafesport.org/
What are the requirements for NGB’s and NGB-Affiliates?
Reporting – a mechanism that allows a complaint to be easily reported for a reasonable suspicion of Sexual or Physical abuse/neglect, within a 24 hour period of awareness. Federal regulations state that reports should be made to a) local law enforcement and b) local/state child protective services, c) US Soccer, and d) the US Center for SafeSport. EVERYONE is a MANDATORY REPORTER.
Mechanism for Reporting
Everyone listed below MUST be contacted when physical or sexual abuse is suspected.
- Local Law Enforcement Number (posted on club website and given to athletes and parents)
- Local Child Protective Services Number (posted on club website and given to athletes and parents)
- State of Maryland Department of Human Services
- Club Risk Manager Contact Information (every club should have a point person for reporting)
- National Governing Body (NGB)
- US Soccer Integrity Hotline Number – (312) 528-7004
- US Soccer – https://www.ussoccer.com/integrity-hotline
- US Center for SafeSport – https://uscenterforsafesport.org/report-a-concern/
Other forms of misconduct such as emotional abuse, bullying, hazing, or harassment.
- Club Risk Manager Contact Information (every club should have a point person for reporting)
- Club or BoD Review/Hearing – There should be a process in policy to document and address this other misconduct. The decision of the Club or BOD should be sent to the State Risk Manager.
Reasonable Procedures – Policies and procedures aimed at PREVENTING one-on-one interactions between an amateur athlete who is a minor and an adult.
An individual who is required, but fails, to report suspected child sexual abuse is subject to criminal penalties including fines and up to one (1) year in jail.
What are the requirements for NGB’s and NGB-Affiliated?
Prohibit Retaliation – Include in your club policy that there can be no retaliation from the club toward those who are reporting.
Prevention Training – Under US Soccer’s SafeSoccer Framework, all Amateur Sports Associations (i.e. MSYSA) sanctioned by an NGB (i.e. U.S. Soccer) must provide consistent training to adult members who are in contact with amateur athletes who are minors. Beginning in 2019, as required by U.S. Soccer, all adults involved in youth soccer must take an initial Abuse Prevention Training course and then within the next calendar year, an annual refresher course each year of participation. The course is offered online at no cost through the U.S. Center for SafeSport. For MSYSA, adults register with their Club in GotSport via their organizations dedicated registration link by first creating an account. Once they complete their Adult Registration, participants find a link to access the course in their profile Dashboard (Instructions here: https://gotsport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050389574-Submitting-Safe-Sport). If the Adult has already taken the course, they can upload their certificate and the MSYSA Registration Specialist will mark them as Approved. After they take the initial course they must take a refresher course every year thereafter.More information about the course can be found on the MSYSA website under MSYSA Safe Soccer.
Abuse Prevention & SafeSport
Abuse prevention is an integral part of our roles as youth soccer administrators, coaches, referees, volunteers and parents.
Every adult who may have the opportunity to have direct and un-monitored access to children must successfully complete:
- A comprehensive background screening ; and
- A certified abuse prevention training course and annual refresher course.
As part of the annual registration process, MSYSA manages these risk management elements for all adult registrants electronically within our registration solution platform.
Learn about the Safe Sport Act of 2017
Learn about Background Check Requirements and Procedures
Learn about Abuse Prevention Training Programs Requirements, Policies and Procedures
Youth Athletes and SafeSport Core Training
- Any player who is 18 years old and older, OR who is TURNING 18 years old DURING the CURRENT seasonal year, MUST complete the SafeSport training, which is accessible in the PLAYER’S GotSport account dashboard. Specific instructions here:
- SafeSport Training – Players 18yrs +
- SafeSport Training – Player or Coach 18U(under 18) – Any player or coach who is currently 17 years old AND will be turning 18 years old during the current seasonal year. These participants MUST have parental consent to complete the training.
Athletes who are 17 years old or younger are encouraged to complete the optional, age-appropriate SafeSport training that is applicable to them. The U.S. Center for SafeSport has released free training modules focused on Youth Athlete Training. The modules are age-based: Preschool, Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, Middle School, and High School, and are anywhere from 10-20 minutes in length. A parent/guardian must first create an account in order to give consent for their child to access the training as well as select the appropriate module for their child’s age.
A full list of parent and youth athlete resources can be found here: https://uscenterforsafesport.org/ngb-services/training/
Our Insurance Program covers registered members with SECONDARY/SUPPLEMENTAL General Liability, Excess Liability, and Accidental Medical policies while participating in MSYSA sanctioned soccer activities, such as practice, games, and tournaments. For full details about MSYSA Supplemental/Secondary Insurance Coverage CLICK HERE
Report a Concern
Background Screening
MSYSA is committed to an expanded background check and screening process. Our Policy requires every adult associated with all affiliated organizations who may have the opportunity to have direct and unmonitored access to children to complete a background screening that includes:
- Maryland Administrative Office of Courts for both the circuit and district courts
- Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services
- State and National Sexual Offender Record Information (SORI)
MSYSA also screens against all necessary external databases, disqualification lists, and disciplinary records.
The following individuals are required to complete a background screening:
- Coaches (all types)
- Board members (Officers, Directors, Administrators, Committee Chairs, Appointees, etc.)
- Referees
- Trainers (Permanent or Temporary)
- Volunteers
- Organization Employees
- Concession Workers
- Tournament Organizers, Employees, Volunteers
- Any other person age 18 or older who may have the opportunity to have direct and unmonitored access to children.
Background screenings will be conducted as part of the annual registration process within the MSYSA registration solution, and all screenings will have a common expiration date, lessening the need for multiple registration dates.
MSYSA utilizes Gold Standard Best Practice Recommended Guidelines from the National Council of Youth Sports in making eligibility determinations. Click here to see the guidelines.
The registration and background screening process will be managed in GotSport. For more information please visit the Adult Registration Page.
- Background screening is the final stage in Mandatory Compliance. They are initiated by MSYSA ONLY after an individual has completed SafeSport and Concussion training.
- GotSport integrates with JDP to make it easy for individuals to register for their background checks.
- Checks require a VALID social security number. It must be your authentic SSN provided by the Social Security Administration. Those without a valid social security number must contact our Director of Affiliate Logistics for further instructions.
Background screenings are performed at a cost of $7.25/person (inc. processing fee)
MSYSA Code of Conduct
Athlete and Participant Safety Policy
Goal Safety
MSYSA recommends using these guidelines with regards to the installation, use, and storage of soccer goals. As advocates for the healthy development of children, we need to be mindful of soccer goal safety. MSYSA urges all organizations to review their policies and procedures and to implement and enforce a goal safety program.
From 1998-2008, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) received reports of at least eight deaths and an estimated 2,000 emergency room visits by children under the age of 16 that were related to soccer goal tip-overs and structural failures.
Please remind your coaches and referees to inspect, BEFORE EVERY PRACTICE, TRAINING ACTIVITY, AND GAME:
(1) All goal posts and nets for safety, that they are properly anchored and secured.
(2) The field and areas around the field that are being used.
While these guidelines should be effective in reducing the risk of goal-related injuries, they should not be construed as the only methods for minimizing injuries associated with soccer goals.
Injuries and Deaths
According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), most soccer goal post related deaths and injuries involved either unsecured or homemade goals. Injuries frequently occurred during horseplay such as climbing on the goal or attempting to do chin-ups, thereby tipping the goal over. All goals, whether homemade or manufactured, should be properly secured to the ground to avoid injuries or deaths associated with tip-over.
Anchoring Goals
There are several different ways to properly anchor soccer goals. The number and type of anchors used will depend on factors such as soil type and goal weight. Anchor types include:
- Auger-style anchors that are screwed into the ground.
- Semi-permanent anchors, which require a permanently secured base buried underground with tethers or bolts to secure the goal.
- Peg, stake or j-hook style anchors that are driven into the ground.
Sandbags or counterweights for indoor facilities.
When goals are not being used, always place the goal frames face-to-face and secure them at each goalpost with a lock and chain.
The CPSC reports that most accidents occurred when the goal was unattended. When goals are not being used, always take appropriate steps to secure goals such as:
- Place the goal frames face to face and secure them at each goalpost with a lock and chain.
- Lock the chain to suitable fixed structure such as a permanent fence.
- Lock unused portable goals in a secured storage room after each use.
- Fully disassemble the goals for seasonal storage.
- Remove the net.
Conclusions/Safety Tips
- Securely anchor or counter-weight portable goals at all times.
- Store movable soccer goals in a place where children can not access them.
- Never permit anyone to climb on the net or goal framework.
- Remove nets when goals are not in use.
- Check all connecting hardware before every use and replace damaged or missing anchors immediately.
- Ensure safety/warning labels are clearly visible.
- Fully disassemble goals for seasonal storage.
- Always exercise extreme caution when moving goals and allow adequate manpower to move goals of varied sizes and weights.
- Movable soccer goals should only be moved by authorized adults.
- Movable soccer goals should only be used on level (flat) fields.
- Instruct players to avoid unsafe use of goals.
Consumer Product Safety Commission – Guidelines for Movable Soccer Goal Safety
Weather Policy
Maryland State Youth Soccer Weather Policy
Monitoring weather conditions is the responsibility of the game officials, coaches, tournament directors and club administrators and in some cases MSYSA administrators. All should be aware of the potential dangers posed by different weather conditions and work together to keep the players and other participants as safe as possible. If the weather conditions warrant, officials, coaches and/or administrators are encouraged to discuss before the game/practice starts what the procedures will be to insure the safety of the players.
Tournament directors are encouraged to monitor weather conditions including the warnings and watches issued by the National Weather Service. In the event of sudden changes, the tournament directors are encouraged to have a means of sending warnings to the site officials. Having a weather plan is encouraged, and when possible, should be provided to the participating teams to allow a clear understanding of shelter locations, evacuation plans and how the weather will affect tournament results. Club administrators are encouraged to perform similar functions for league play and club practices.
Technology has improved the monitoring capability for all concerned. There are many new apps for phones and tablets that provide accurate and timely weather reports, forecasts and warnings. Lightning detectors can take the guesswork out of how far away lightning is. Cell phones and two-way radios can meet communication requirements to implement weather plans.

MSYSA strongly recommends that all game officials, coaches, tournament directors and club administrators familiarize themselves with pertinent information regarding the impact of environmental conditions on player health and safety.