Injury Reporting
Any ODP Athletic Trainers, ODP Coaches, Parents or players can use this link to report an injury that prevents a players from participation. Once a player has been identified as needing additional medical care or recovery time, a note from their doctor clearing them to return to play should be sent to the ODP Program Director prior to stepping out on the field – injured players are of course welcome to attend ODP sessions and event with their age group.

MedStar Health Partnership and Injury Tracking:
The Maryland State Youth Soccer Association has partnered with MedStar Health to improve the coordination of medical care for youth soccer players within Maryland, specifically with regard to concussions. All players within ODP will be utilizing this partnership.
Appointments with MedStar can be scheduled within 48 hours of injury by calling our dedicated number: (888) 44-SPORT (7-7678).
Injury reporting is a three step process:
- When a player becomes injured, the Athletic Trainer or ODP Staff enters information into the tracking system and an e-mail is sent to the parent/guardian
- A parent/guardian of the injured player can utilize the dedicated phone line to schedule an appointment with a specialist within 48 hours, if desired
- Once the player is cleared by the medical professional, the player should send the Return to Play note to the ODP Program Director and the injury tracking system is updated

Please contact Gandalf French the ODP Technical Director with any questions!