How do I register for a course?
- Click on the Learning Center link below
- At the top click on Coaching Education
- Click on Register for a Course
- On the left select the course level that you are looking for
- If you have never taken a course, start with the Introduction to Grassroots online module. It is free and takes about 20 minutes to complete.

How do I register as a coach for a team?
Any adult working with youth players as a Team Official (Head Coach, Asst. Coach, Manager) or otherwise must register EACH year in order to be rostered with a team. All parts of mandatory compliance including background checks, SafeSport, and concussion training must be completed before an adult will be approved.
In addition, any Travel Head Coach registering MUST meet the minimum license requirements:
- Introduction to Grassroots Module
- Two in-person Grassroots course (11v11, 9v9, 7v7, or 4v4)
- One online Grassroots course across any of the four levels (11v11, 9v9, 7v7, 4v4)
For further details regarding minimum coaching requirements for travel head coaches please check our Coaches FAQ page HERE
Adults must contact their club for their registration information.